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Cessna O-1A 5L14981 Republic of Vietnam Air Force

Cessna O-1A 5L14981 Republic of Vietnam Air Force

Regular price $12.00 USD
Regular price $15.00 USD Sale price $12.00 USD
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These are 1/72nd scale decals for the Cessna O-1A in service with the Republic of Vietnam Air Force. This aircraft was used by South Vietnamese Air Force Major Buang-Ly loaded his wife and five children into the two-seat aircraft and escaped Vietnam. As he flew out to see, he spotted the USS Midway, and started to circle the carrier. The carrier was not able to get the Major on the radio, but he dropped a note on a low pass. The note read:

"Can you move the helicopter to the other side, I can land on your runway, I can fly for one hour more, we have enough time to move. Please rescue me! Major Buang, wife and 5 child."

After consulting with Task Force Admiral William L. Harris, Captain Chambers, in command of the USS MIdway, issued the order to allow the plane to land on the Midway's flight deck. The arresting wires were then removed, all helicopters that could not be safely or quickly relocated were pushed over the side and into the sea. The Captain ordered the ship to make 25 knots into the wind, to help make it easier for Major Buang to land. 

Captain Chambers recounts "the aircraft cleared the ramp and touched down on center line at the normal touchdown point. Had he been equipped with a tailhook he could have bagged a number 3 wire. He bounced once and came stop abeam of the island, amid a wildly cheering, arms-waving flight deck crew."

Major Buang was escorted to the bridge, where Chambers congratulated him on his outstanding piloting and his bravery. The crew of Midway was so impressed that they established a fund to help him and his family get settled in the United States.

Please allow some time for printing and shipping.  The Aircraft is painted overall ADC Gray.

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